You've probably been wondering where I am. About to write me off? I know I know, YOU LOVE ME! You would never! The week has been very busy, Al's been out of town a lot, we've had a lot of kids here, and my computer has some sort of virus...that's making me crazy! Have I mentioned how much I want a Macbook??? I think I have. But I digress, I'm finally here to show a little bit of the photo diary of the kitty birth. There are a few other things sprinkled in. So from here on out my blog SHOULD be packed full of posts let me tell you, because I've photographed everything I've done lately, so there's no excuse!
Anyway, back to the kitties. Lola's a completely awesome mother. I'm in love with her so much more now. I've made sure to love her up a lot while she's nursing her babies, she's so skinny again too! If only we could be like that!
Before you start on this journey, beware, It his heavily photo laden! I went a little crazy, and I can't bear for you not to see them all!
The first kitty born
Let me tell you, kitties don't cooperate for photo shoots. They pile on top of one another, they all look in the wrong direction at one time. But I managed to get a few you can make out.
Like I said..I love the shot of their little claws though
Other than the short labor video, I didn't take a whole lot more pics during the actual birth. I was so scared that something would go wrong. I hadn't assisted in a kitty birth since I was a little girl. I did a lot of research in the months preceding it, but still, Lola is a pretty tiny kitten herself. I just wanted her to be ok. So all eyes were on her for the rest of the time.
Lola ended up being the proud mom of 5 little kitties. We named them all as they were born. Which we know we shouldn't do, since we'll find good homes for all of them, but we had to. So, they came out like this; Hank, Bruno, Sophia, Riddick, and Harlee. We had no idea what their sexes were, but we named them anyway.
That, of course is not all. We've added 4 more little kitties to the mix. There are 3 boys and 1 girl. A good friend of mine had a cat that was basically a stray they had taken in. She must have had quite a few litters because she no longer had any nipples! She (my friend) had taken to feeding the kitties from birth with a dropper and formula. Since our cats were pregnant at the same time, we had planned on trying to have my Lola nurse them after she had her kittens. It worked beautifully. Right away Lola made them her babies as well. The new kittens are a few weeks older than ours, so I make sure to separate them from our kittens every few feedings to make sure there are no 'survival of the fittest' scenarios going on.
It's just a regular jumble of kitties! They curl up and sleep with one another in the most adorable (and uncomfortable looking) ways
So there's the story of the Jackson kitties. I'll keep you all updated on how they're growing, I'm excited to see what their personalities will be like. (Update: our kittens have begun to open their eyes!! Sooo Awesome!)
Stay tuned for more crafty/refashion/vintage/thrifty fun!
Jamie Lee
oh my god how cute is this, my brother also have 5 baby kittens and i can´t wait to take one of them to live with me;) they are absolutely adorable, i love cats!!!