Monday, July 25, 2011

You Know, Birthin Kittens and Whatnot

Hi guys,

So, I didn't quite make my goal of uploading all of the weekend photos and sharing things I've been promising.

I did however, fulfill a precious request to be a midwife to my favorite feline Lola Lee Jackson :)

Cute little scrunchy eyed kitty photos to post, some really entertaining stories, and possssibly the funny labor video. I haven't decided on that yet, it's mostly of my very uncomfortable kitty and some priceless commentary from the resident princess in my household.

I also want to tell you about our 'wrist parties', some flylady lovin, refashioning, and some serious pondering on what makes a better glamour bunny.

Curious? Check back this week. Fun stuff in the works.


J Lee


  1. ooh how sweet -- looking forward to the pictures! a funny labour video is always welcome lol

  2. Hi Jamie Lee! I can't wait to see the kitties, I love cats as much as I love blue fingernails and a tonne of jewellery. x
